Arts 'n Knitting Blog

A place to share arts and crafts and knitting ideas and whatever else

Saturday, February 11

Winter Projects

After frogging my scarf last spring, I pretty much stopped working on it, until about a week ago when I picked it up again (at that point it consisted of two stripes). Here it is now, hopefully it will be done before winter is over. As I was working on my scarf I was looking at the Project Linus webage and suddenly decided that I wanted to try my hand at an afghan. So, I decided to try the All Purpose Knitted Afghan. Here it is so far.

Monday, May 23

Knitting and Frogging

After working on my scarf on and off all semester, I had about 4 feet of red, black and gray stripes. I decided about a foot ago that I didn't like the pattern anymore, but I kept going since I had so much.

Today I decided to frog the whole thing, and start over. It does seem like a shame to loose so much work, but its not like there's any hurry. As long as its done by football season, I'll be fine. Unraveling stripes is a little tedious though, because I'm winding it back into balls as I go, so I keep having to switch balls, etc. Oh well.

Saturday, April 30

New Project

I have been looking for a project that I can knit during the summer at camp, and I just thought of one. I'm going to knit things like potholders and kitchen scrubby things. They'll be easy and fast and its ok if they get wet or dirty. Then I'll donate them to the Christmas craft bazaar. If anyone wants to help out, let me know. I think I'll have to get that Japanese pot scrubber pattern from Katie.

Friday, April 1

A New Level of Lame

Today I was doing an LYS (local yarn store) search on google, and I stumbled aross a knitting message board talking about knitting groups in Delaware and the MD Eastern Shore. Apparently there is a knitting group that meets right down the street from my church. Crazy! There's all of these women from my area with knitting blogs and knitting guilds. It looks like I'll have plenty to work with when I try to start a charity knitting thing. The yarn store in Bel Air, Ewenique Yarns, has a program called Hats for the Homeless. They will give you a ball of yarn, and you make any kind of hat, and when you bring it back they give you 5% off your next purchase.

Over Easter weekend I was experimenting with baby hats and my mom started crocheting. My first hat was tiny and the second one was a little funny looking, but I wasn't working from a pattern so its all trial and error. My mom has so far only made crocheted key chains, as far as I know.

*Update: my mom is crocheting away and has the better part of one sweater done.

Wednesday, March 23

I'm a knitting machine

Thanks to Jen for starting the knitting blog!

Anyway, I recently finished my biggest project to date- a 3 X 3 baby blanket. Its really pretty; I used blue and white baby yarn knitted together which has a nice effect, I think. I was going to save it for my future kids, because it was such a big project, but now I'm thinking I will give it to someone. Having it sitting around would only make me wish I had a kid. I'd rather see some kid wrapped up in it now.

I'm currently working on a scarf in Bo Manor colors so that I can wear it to the games next year. In addition, my mom and I are going to take up making baby sweaters, because she was recently putting together relief kits for tsunami victims with babies, and we couldn't find many nice baby sweaters. I really like knitting for other people, because when I'm making something for someone I'm thinking about that person, even if I don't know who the person is. I think that makes it special.